Buying & Renting

Buying & Renting


The motivations for purchasing a specific property can be as varied as the shades of colors in the visible spectrum of light, and a few more besides.  It all depends upon your specific strategy (which constantly changes over time) and the balance of your current portfolio (if any).

Completing the initial acquisition for your new Commercial Real Estate portfolio requires the same focus and attention to detail as does the routine adding of the latest property in a long line of acquisitions as you build a substantial and diversified portfolio.
Every geographic market has different strengths and trends, so the Returns On Investment vary over time according to the property sub-type, size and condition.

1031 Exchange Trade-Up Scenario:

Unless you are in the process of liquidating your entire Commercial Real Estate portfolio at the end of a long and successful investing career, then the selling of one property in your portfolio usually triggers the need to find a new property to purchase under a 1031 Exchange process.
Many Clients routinely take these steps as they trade-up from one size and value of property to the next larger size and value of property, as part of a strategy to anchor and balance their portfolio.
We believe in helping you to identify the optimal markets and property sub-types to be in for your portfolio and geography.   We then help you to target the size and value of property that will provide the appropriate Cap Rate and Capital Gains potential. 


As the owner, executive or manager of a business you know that it is vitally important to have the appropriately sized spaces in the ideal locations.

There are a wide range of reasons that a business seeks a new space: growth, expansion, right-sizing, or merely securing an even better location than the one that they have previously been operating out of.
The challenges that can come up are usually related to: not starting the search for a new space far enough in advance; not knowing what landlords need to see from prospective tenants; not having a real estate professional engaged to negotiate with the landlord on your behalf; not knowing about which properties are available (or soon to be available) but that are not being advertised through the main commercial listing platforms and MLS.
We are here to help you get into the space that you need next for your organization. Whether you are highly experienced at selecting new commercial spaces to lease, or whether this is your first time through this process, we are here to work closely with you and to get the job done.
We have been highly successful at helping our Clients by working relentlessly for them until they have secured the appropriate space and taken occupancy.

We get it – we know that this is not a throw-away To Do item for you. This is always Mission Critical. We rise to the occasion and help to take the worst of the stress out of the process, and usually we even help to bring some enjoyment to it all.

Work With Us

Get assistance in determining current property value, crafting a competitive offer, writing and negotiating a contract, and much more. Contact us today.

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